This is/was my grandfather. He passed several years ago, There aren’t many days when I don’t think about him. A fascinating man and one of the greatest storytellers I’ve ever known. He worked most of his life in marketing and sales at the former East Ohio Gas Company. At his funeral, I read his retirement speech to all the mourners. It was fitting because it was a farewell. In this retirement speech, he shared a lot of advice, but the best being this….
: “In life, you’ll have doubters. There will be a lot of voices trying to sway you. But you’ll never get lost if you listen for the voice of your concience. It’s always there. It’s always been there. It’s the voice of your origin. It’s just quiet sometimes. But if you listen, very closely, you’ll hear it. It will never let you down. It will always tell you that you CAN and you WILL. Just never give up. That noble voice will bend your doing towards good”. I’m not sure if I’ll ever be as good of a storyteller as he was, but I’ll sure as hell try. He inspires me to get better at my craft everyday.
Thanks JoJo. Love you.